Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past-Life Therapy That Changed 82,50 zł / szt
Life After Life: The Bestselling Original Investigation That Revealed Near-Death Experiences 67,53 zł / szt
Omm Sety's Egypt: A Story of Ancient Mysteries, Secret Lives, and the Lost History of the Pharaohs 190,47 zł / szt
Same Soul, Many Bodies: Discover the Healing Power of Future Lives Through Progression Therapy 77,43 zł / szt
The Afterlife Frequency: The Scientific Proof of Spiritual Contact and How That Awareness Will Change Your Life 71,28 zł / szt
The Luminous Landscape of the Afterlife: Jordan's Message to the Living on What to Expect After Death 59,94 zł / szt
Akashic Records: Unlocking the Secret Universal Knowledge and Nature of the Akasha Including Prayer, Guided Meditation, and Akas 117,25 zł / szt