The material for
THE TWELVE ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES: The Way of Creative Accomplishment, was written in 1943-44, immediately following
THE ZODIAC as THE UNIVERSAL MATRIX. Like its companion book, it is one of Rudhyar's most accessible and easy-to-read works. It provides comprehensive descriptions of each of the ten astrological planets in each of the twelve astrological houses. In common with
THE UNIVERSAL MATRIX, the astrological interpretations are more striking, psychological and critical than what we came to expect from Rudhyar during the second half of the 20th century. The electronic publication includes hyperlinks to the birth charts of dozens of interesting example nativities.
This volume should not to be confused with Rudhyar's later works -- "THE ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES: The Spectrum of Individual Experience" -- which is currently out-of-print and available used at -- or with "The Twelve Houses as Problems We All Face."
Some sample passages from
"Every personality is the child of an individual vision (Ascendant) and of a set of collective habits (second house), Rudhyar writes. The great person is one who uses such habits to demonstrate the vision - and thereby repolarizes them. The weak personality lets collective habits use the vision which thereby becomes distorted and materialized. Every personality is a field of integration for individual vision (first house) and collective habits (second house) - our inner life is very often a battlefield! It is in the third house that the issue . . . is determined; for it is the quality of the person's environment and of his mentality (largely conditioned by education) which will decide in the third house whether the fourth house factors (ego, home, and so on) will be energized preponderantly either by those developed in the first house or those belonging to the second house."
PLANETS IN THE FIFTH HOUSE"When a strong planet or a group of planets are located in the fifth house of a natal chart this does not mean the native will necessarily be a particularly gifted artist, or a great lover, or the progenitor of many children, and so on. It indicates, rather, that matters related to this house will be insistently the focal point for the person's attention. The native will be involved in fifth house issues and experiences by apparent choice or by compulsion . . . They will create problems which will demand a solution.
Problems however constitute opportunities for growth and for 'creative accomplishment' - thus the title of this series. Where there are no problems, the mind and will of the individual are not roused into operation . . ."
MOON IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE"The Moon in the eleventh house signifies a person highly sensitive to social moods and changes, who is often the mouthpiece of some great mass-movement seeking expression in a subterranean manner. The spiritual-occult systems proclaimed by Rudolph Steiner are much involved in personalized states of consciousness and dependent on personal 'revelations'. Indeed, it might be argued the 'revelations' of the seer could merely be projections of his collective, national and personal 'hopes and wishes' and fears and prejudices, rather than authentic and significantly interpreted revelations of spiritual realities. The traditional chart of Joan of Arc shows Moon conjunct Jupiter in the eleventh house - indeed an excellent symbol for one whose "Voices" saved a Kingdom . . ."