This is not a book about mysticism, nor about meditation.
It introduces a radically different way to cultivate a contemplative attitude, a way for all humans but known to only a handful of western people. A way of simplicity for a culture addicted to complication. A way of the whole human for a culture infatuated with the mind at the expense of all the rest.
Its core attitude of non-doing leaves the body, the breath, the Earth in charge of effecting subtle yet profound transformation at all levels - physical, emotional, cognitive, spiritual... without spending years on the meditator's cushion.
In non-practices of body, breath, Earth, the natural mystic in us awakens.
Why the body, the breath, the Earth? Because these parts of who we are - neglected, tortured, oppressed under the empire of the mind - are the most obvious and accessible forces that faithfully enable us to live our lives even as we ignore them.
With exquisite unrecognized wisdom, they repair us if we allow them to do so. When we are attentive to them, they teach us what no treatise can teach, and arguably, hold the key to reintegration of the whole human.
They dissolve false polarized dualities of physicality and spirituality, matter and spirit, body and soul, human and Nature.
They are the natural forces with the power to cut through an unnatural culture that worships the unnatural, the virtual, the artificial, the simulated - that traps us in the violence of deceit.
This book picks up the thread of my previous work, Krivda, the Godtrix Against the Matrix, into the re-membrance of who we are.