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Soul Smart: What The Dead Teach Us About Spirit Communication provides easy-to-follow steps that anyone can use to make his own direct connection with his own spirit guides and beloved people and pets now in spirit. Soul Smart presents a fascinating behind the scenes look at what the spirit world is doing to make the communication happen. The reader will learn how to establish the right conditions to invite dream visits and meditation visits with spirit loved ones, as well as how to meet and work with his spirit guides.
Binding | Miękka |
Pages | 188 |
Author (ID) | 11931834 |
Publish Year | 2018 |
BISAC Category (1) | Psychic Phenomena - ESP (Clairvoyance |
BISAC Category (2) | Occultism |
BISAC Category (3) | Death |
Author | Wilson |
Produkt wprowadzony do obrotu na terenie UE przed 13.12.2024
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